把酒临风 发表于 2015-6-20 20:13


<DIV align=center><FONT size=5><FONT color=seagreen>唯美自然,天之神韵,<BR>这就是霍尊的音乐。。。。。。。<BR><BR></FONT></FONT>http://sc1.111ttt.com/2015/1/05/24/98241742413.mp3</DIV>

把酒临风 发表于 2015-6-20 20:16

   霍尊新歌《唐诗》系受到《One Journey One Song一次旅行一首歌》节目创始人亦同好友陈添的邀请。《一次旅行一首歌》为陈添音乐工作室与央视音乐频道2014年合作推出的新节目,暨唱作人、词曲作者及歌手在国内外不同国家及地区旅行,在旅行当中寻找音乐的灵感,并在最后合力创作出一首歌曲。此次节目组走进曾被称为长安的千年古都西安,进行了一场从繁华都市到梦回唐朝的旅行,节目取景古城各大古迹,包括大明宫遗址公园、兵马俑、城墙、钟鼓楼回民街及大慈恩寺—大雁塔。陈添同为乐坛新晋词曲人,在感受唐朝曾经的浩瀚文化与厚重底蕴后,与霍尊共同完成了如今这首“曲高但和不寡”的华美歌曲。

把酒临风 发表于 2015-6-20 20:21

       作曲:霍尊/陈添  作词:陈添  There was a country far off the sea,on the land of the east.  海外存远国 云遥有东土  I heard it when I was young,Mom said it's called Tang.  童稚闻其名 母告吾谓唐  I once dreamed a poet called Li,wrote a poem on my skin.  梦遇诗人李 题诗缀吾臂  But I didn't know how to read it,so I traveled to find him.  莫能诵其语 遂别将其觅  I heard camel bells ring,the vulture fly in the wind.  沙吹响驼铃 人走见飞鹰  Far far away from hometown,Dad's afraid I was too young.  乡远莫能返 父恐吾尚青  Ah.....the kids read in morning  晨曦朗书童  Ah.....the bell tower rings  古寺钟声重  Ah.....I pass the temple  伽蓝殿前走  Ah.....the monk smiles to me  僧笑佛前人  They said there's a man called Li,he's famous in Dynasty.  僧言有李氏 名重王朝倾  He do poetry with poets in restaurants,left calligraphy on the ground.  斗诗青楼内 酒醉吐腹轻  An old sold wine beyond the city,by the road to the moat in the rain.  路遇翁卖酒 雨沥城门净  He said that is named An named Chang,so I believed the poet wound be found.  翁言谓长安 遂入观其景  Ah.....I see great buildings  楼穷现煌宇  Ah.....In the poets drink and sing  骚客共饮歌  Ah.....I pass the palace  大明宫前过  Ah......Flowers bloom around me  袖畔繁花生  Ah.....I see Buddha touching the ceiling  佛坐莲花落  Ah.....I see Emperor through the street  帝过千人迎  Ah.....I pass the lantern  人过阑珊处  Ah.....I light up poem on my skin  灯笼照臂诗  I saw a man wear white in the rain,just like the poet in my dream.  微雨见白衣 恰如梦中影  He took wine and read a poem,Just like the lyrics of this song.  把酒笑吟诗 恰如此歌行  A poem written for the Tang.

薄雾-池中莲 发表于 2015-6-20 21:41


小白熊玫朵 发表于 2015-6-20 22:01


把酒临风 发表于 2015-6-20 22:14

薄雾-池中莲 发表于 2015-6-20 21:41 static/image/common/back.gif


把酒临风 发表于 2015-6-20 22:15

小白熊玫朵 发表于 2015-6-20 22:01 static/image/common/back.gif


仍是依然 发表于 2015-6-24 10:42


绿竹依依 发表于 2015-6-26 21:01

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